JKA Scotland Kata Course

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15th January 2022 What a great start to the new year with the first JKA Scotland Kata Course since 2020.  Brown and black belt members gathered at Dunfermline High School excited, and the buzz in the dojo could be felt … Continued

JKA Squad Training

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Our first, in person, Association training post lockdown, took place on Saturday, 11th September at Dunfermline High School. Sensei Alan Simpson 6th Dan led the 2 hour squad event. We enjoyed a very busy and insightful training with consideration to … Continued

JKA Bass Rock Karate Club

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JKA Scotland are happy to announce the opening of a new club in Gullane, East Lothian.  JKA Bass Rock Karate Club will open on Monday 7th June to everyone from school age upwards.  Paola Burrows 4th Dan JKA has taken … Continued

JKA Scotland Zoom Training

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The JKA Scotland Technical Committee held a zoom training session last night, 29 April 21, with Sensei Alan Simpson and Sensei Bert Stewart taking the lead. This was a fantastic progression from basic forming of a punch right through to … Continued

JKA Scotland Zoom Training

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Our Technical committee will be doing zoom training classes for all JKA Scotland brown and black belts on 1st and 29th April from 7-8pm. Please speak to your instructor for details or contact JKA Scotland Secretary for more information.