On Saturday 30th September 2023, JKA Scotland – East Region held their Regional Championships event at Dunfermline High School.
This was the first time the region had held a Championships in a couple of years, and it was great to see such a great turn out with 70 competitors in attendance.
Setup started on the Friday night, to get the hall ready for an early start on the Saturday morning.

The day kicked off at 9.15am with competitors excited for the day ahead and who they would be competing against in each event.
The days focus for the Region was on fun, encouragement and to gain experience and we absolutely had loads of that on the day.
It was a long day with a lot of competitors and the event running until 5.30pm, but it was a very good and successful day, the atmosphere in the hall from competitors and spectators was contagious with a lot of fantastic performances from both juniors and seniors.
Every competitor on the day did fantastically well and you did yourselves, your families, and your clubs proud.
The East Region would like to give thanks to Active Scotland First Aid for attending on the day, all referees, helpers, and photographers (Alan Wyse & Sensei Sam Ross).
Lastly to all competitors, you made the championships a success on the day, and we thank you for your support and help in the growth of the East Region Championships.
The results are below, congratulations to everyone.