During the weekend of Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd October, JKA Scotland were delighted to welcome Shiina Sensei, Hanzaki Sensei & Ohta Sensei to Scotland for their Annual Gasshuku Seminar.
This was our 1st Gasshuku seminar since 2019 and it was well attended, not only by JKA Scotland members from all across Scotland but many visiting students attending out with JKA Scotland.
After much anticipation and excitement, Shiina Sensei 7th Dan JKA HQ, Hanzaki Sensei 7th Dan JKA HQ & Ohta Sensei 7th Dan Chief Instructor JKA England made for a fantastic seminar with feedback from all students who attended being positive and extremely enjoyable.

The first session started sharp on Friday with Shiina Sensei splitting the hall down the middle and putting all students through their paces together, using punching and kicking techniques along with stances individually and in combinations. Sensei made sure we focused on the length of our stances by making us reach for a target on the floor. Sensei really focused on all Kihon techniques and made sure that we understood how these techniques should be executed by focusing on our hips and full body using strong kime but with the feeling of being relaxed to speed up our techniques.
After a short break, students were split into Dan Grade, Brown Belts and Coloured Belt for the second Session.
Dan grades worked kata Gojushiho Dai with Sensei Ohta, who highlighted key points within the kata that must be paid attention to and the variations based on ability, capability and mobility when moving from one move to another.
Brown Belts and coloured belts were together working on how to improve technique for basics using combinations making sure to punch straight to target.
After the first day it was clear from the Sensei’s that they wanted to focus on making sure of good attitude/etiquette in dojo, spirit and understanding.

Before we knew it, Saturday morning was upon us, and we saw more students attending as this was the day that JKA Scotland were incorporating a Kyu Grading examination. After a great first day you could still feel the excitement in the atmosphere from the day before and what was to come, along with the anticipation from the Brown and Coloured belts who were sitting Kyu Grade Examinations later in the day.
Session 3 followed the same theme as the first session, Dan grades again focused on Kihon techniques with Hanzaki Sensei.
Brown & Coloured Belts focused on kata, with Shiina Sensei, going into great detail with the Brown belts for Bassai Dai and by the end each student’s knowledge and understanding of the kata and how it should be performed was much greater.

After a well-deserved break, the fourth session started with Dan Grades being treated to the teachings of Shiina Sensei with kata Sochin. The focus of this kata was the execution of powerful techniques along with how flexibility plays an important part during this kata. Sensei had us laying on the floor and stretching our backs by twisting our legs over to the side which would come in very handy during this kata. Sensei asked us to work with a partner, who would assist whilst performing some of the techniques in this kata to make correct position.

During a quick 10 min break Sensei asked who was sitting Dan Grading on the Sunday and also what kata were being performed. We went through each of these kata for Sensei before the students attempting Dan Gradings were called onto the floor to perform their chosen kata in front of all students whilst receiving some good points from Sensei to think about for the Sunday.
Brown belts had an in-depth session with Ohta Sensei to focus on kata Kanku Dai and the differences between performing the technique in the Heian kata’s to doing them in Kanku Dai.
After today’s training the Kyu grading took place at the Gasshuku, which was a great success and enjoyed by all. Congratulations to all students who sat and passed Kyu Gradings.
Sunday was too fast in coming around and was our last day of training, even though aches were noticeable after 2 days of hard training, it was also sad that we were now about to start the last day of the Gasshuku.
The fifth session, Dan grades were focusing on Nijushiho Kata with Hanzaki Sensei. Sensei broke down the kata in various segments, so each part of the kata could be understood and practiced in depth. Once Sensei had explained and we had performed the kata, we worked with a partner to be able to put the techniques into practice, to understand these more in terms of the application. After a break Sensei asked those siting Dan Grade exam in Grade order to come to the front of the class, and then we would all perform that chosen kata (Bassai Dai, Jion, Kanku Sho and Kankai Dai). Brown and Coloured belts focused on Kicking techniques and also sequence moves with Shiina Sensei.

Session six, our final session, was Shiina Sensei, this session was definitely working the brain as well as the foot work with techniques. Sensei was explaining about being able to move in different directions whilst executing blocks and attacks using kumite to bring this together. After a short period of working the movements individually we were to work in groups of five to start using the techniques to move towards targets in different directions with not only speed but with the feeling of being relaxed whilst still having control. The last round of kumite was to then add on free style fighting for 10 seconds with each of the 4 group members after using the previous combinations twice. This was very exhausting training, but we could not allow ourselves to lose focus. As our training was heading to a close Sensei had us all performing the Dan Grading Kata’s followed by our own favourite kata to finish.
Brown and Coloured belt were focusing on Heian Application and each grade performed their own kata on the stage in the hall in front of the other students and Sensei’s Hanzaki and Ohta which although was a little nerve wracking for some, was great experience.

Before we knew it, after 3 days of exceptional instruction by all Senseis our Gasshuku was coming to a close, but not before Dan Grading had taken place.
JKA Scotland would like to thank Shiina Sensei, Hanzaki Sensei & Ohta Sensei for their tuition through the Gasshuku, also to all students who attended from all over Scotland and all visiting students out with. Every year the Gasshuku passes so quickly, and it is definitely not an event to be missed. After a busy 3 days, students and instructors can reflect on the teachings from the Senseis and practice all points in their own dojos.
Add the dates in your calendar for next year’s Gasshuku, 20th – 22nd October 2023, you do not want to miss this fantastic training.
Congratulations to all students who passed Kyu Grading examinations and the following students who passed Dan Grading examinations.
Pass First Dan JKA (Shodan)
- Alex Mckechan
- Parminder Purewal
- Alasdair Carson
- Jamie Lewis
Pass Second Dan JKA (Nidan)
- Conor Beggs
Pass Third Dan JKA (Sandan)
- Scott Morrice
- Richard Conway
Pass Fourth Dan JKA (Yondan)
- James Campbell
- Magnus Garson