On Friday 11th October JKA Scotland members from as far North as Orkney to the South of Scotland made their way to Dunfermline High School to participate in our 3 day International course with Sensei Hirayama 7th Dan JKA from the Honbu Dojo and Sensei Ohta 7th Dan JKA, Chief instructor of JKA England.
Our training over the weekend was a fantastic challenge for the control and smoothness of movement, with both speed and strength. Things we all know about but when all the elements are put together successfully, the challenge multiplies and vastly changes our capabilities, this is true JKA Karate.

We were also privileged to get an insight of 3 advanced kata, Gojushiho Dai, Nijushiho and Kanku Sho. All we had been learning in the basics had to be transferred into the kata, control, smoothness, speed and strength. We all learnt loads to take away and keep practising.
The brown belts were also given detailed teaching of Bassai Dai and Jion along with basic kumite movement appropriate to that level.

On the Saturday, coloured belts were welcomed to attend the course and were taught by Hirayama Sensei and the JKA Scotland Technical Committee prior to the national kyu grading. It was fantastic to see so many of the lower grades in attendance who were not grading but wanted to come to the training, this is how your karate improves!
Following the Saturday course there was a kyu grading with JKA Scotland examiners. Congratulations to all the successful students.
A JKA Dan grading followed the course on the Sunday afternoon. A very tense examination in front of a panel of examiners led by Sensei Hirayama and Sensei Ohta.
Big congratulations to the following successful students
Daniel Porto Pose Shodan Carnegie
Colin Lin Shodan Carnegie
Bailey Westmacott Shodan Shibumi
James Jacome Shodan Carnegie
Sonita Masih Shodan Oh Kami
Steven Ballingall Shodan JKA Aberdeen
Mairi Roper Nidan JKA Bass Rock
A few words heard after the weekend by those in attendance,
Fantastic! So much information! Brilliant! When’s the next one? Awesome! Why is something that seems easy, not! Loved it! Such a quick weekend! More please! Fabulous instructors! I learnt so much! Amazing! My body hurts!
Needless to say our Gasshuku 2024 was a major success. Thanks has to go to all our students for their attendance, those out with JKA Scotland for coming along, Tony and his team at the High School for the excellent facilities but most of all to Sensei Hirayama and Sensei Ohta for a level of tuition that we could all take loads from and use it every time we are training.
arigatou gozai masu