On Saturday 7th May, JKA Scotland held the first Special May course and Dan Grading since 2019, and what a turnout it was, with Instructors, brown and black belts participating from all over Scotland in 3 hours of excellent instruction from Sensei Ohta 7th Dan JKA.
The course began with all students all together working on some basics as a warmup, this progressed quickly to working on combinations incorporating front stance, kiba dachi and back stance using basic punches and blocking techniques. Sensei asked that we took our time and focused on our techniques to make correct and understand what we were doing before speeding up. Although it took a short time it was not long before it felt more natural and more like what Sensei was looking for us to do. It was not long before we were practicing these combination techniques with a partner, and this is where we were able to put everything, we had just worked on into practice including distance.
Moving on Sensei had us working our legs, using Mae Geri, Kekomi, Mawashi Geri and Ushiro Geri. The focus was to create tension in the body whilst making correct direction, then to set the correct position of the leg in preparation for the kick, before doing the full technique. Sensei made sure that we understand to slow this down and practice this numerous times before speeding up and losing control of our body and balance.
After a short and well needed break, we remained together, and Sensei treated us to a drill that he had been getting students to do and practice when he had attended other courses. This was very much about setting distance correctly. Working in pairs we focused on our distance using kazami zuki and gyaku zuki with a set target, the aim of this was not to hit the target but be as close as possible without the other person feeling they were being hit in the palm of there hand. The Hand target should not move or make a sound through contact. We progressed this technique by moving from a static position to moving around with our partner.
After the final break the class was split with all students choosing the kata that they wanted to study in more depth, Kanku Sho, Jion and Bassai Dai. Sensei Ohta and the JKA Scotland Technical Committee gave in depth training on each with all students gaining a much greater understanding of their chosen kata, which they could practice back in their own dojos with their instructors.
After 3 hours of fantastic training with Sensei Ohta the course came to an end. There was a buzz around the hall after, and it was evident that everyone enjoyed the course. As always there is something that everyone can and will take away to continue to practice.
Dan Grading
Following the course, a Dan Grading was held, and the following students were successful in passing Dan Grading.
Pass First Dan JKA (Shodan)
Claire Watkins Dalgety Bay
Pip Graham-Bishop Orkney
Jamsie Keldie Orkney
Pass Second Dan JKA (Nidan)
Calum Bruce Carnegie
Pass Third Dan JKA (Sandan)
Andy Barclay Shibumi
Grant Reekie Carnegie
Congratulation to all the above students.
Thank you to Sensei Ohta for another enjoyable and informative course, also thanks to all JKA Scotland Instructors and students who supported and travelled to attend.