JKA Scotland Special Course & Dan Grading
6th May 2023
Saturday 6th May, JKA Scotland held the yearly Special Course & Dan Grading where brown and black belt members all gathered at Dunfermline High School anxiously waiting to see what Ohta Sensei 7th Dan JKA had in store for the next 3-hour long training session.

After the warm-up and training started, it was clear Sensei was in good form, everyone knew that this course was going to be a great one as always.
The first 2 hours all grades trained together, slowly building up with basic drills to get the body moving and our brains focused before progressing to partner work, where the main area of focus was on distance.
After a small break the session was split into three groups, where Ohta Sensei was supported by members of the technical committee to focus on kata, all students decided which kata group they wanted to participate in.
Sensei Alan Simpson trained students on the technical aspects of Empi.
Sensei John Deans focused on Bassai Dai while Ohta Sensei focused on 3 individual kata’s, Jion, Jitte & Hangestu breaking down each move and main points.

At the end of each Kata Sensei asked if any students had any questions and provided an explanation of each to make sure that all questions were answered and understood.

The main focus of the course was distance, hip position and maintaining the same level of height.
After 3 hours training, everyone gave thanks to Ohta Sensei and would all take something away from the course to focus on and practice.
Dan Grading
Following the course, a Dan Grading was held, and the following students were successful in passing Dan Grading:
1st Dan – Shodan 2nd Dan – Nidan
Callum Benson (Shibumi) Kian McLaughlin (Shibumi)
Fiona McLeod (Dalgety Bay)
Kenneth Westmacott (Shibumi)
We would also like to thank all the JKA Scotland members who supported and Ohta Sensei for a fantastic course, we hope you enjoyed it.
The next events on the JKA Scotland calendar of events are Squad Training Saturday 20th May and the Course and kyu gradings in June – 3rd & 4th, please contact your instructor or Regional Officers for more details.