JKA Scotland Gasshuku October 2009

Over the weekend of Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th October JKA students from all over Scotland came together for the annual JKA Scotland October Gasshuku. There were also a number of students from out with Scotland attending the event. This year the venue was the Peek Sports Village in Stirling a brand new multi million pound sports complex with a large modern sports hall capable of accommodating the event. With a hotel, restaurants and shops all with a five minute walk from the complex this made for an ideal set up for the weekends course.
The instructors for this year’s course were the following:

Sensei Shiina 7th Dan JKA

Sensei Ohta 6th Dan JKA

Sensei Wood 6th Dan JKA
Sensei Shiina 7th Dan JKA: Sensei Shiina was the guest instructor from the JKA Honbu Dojo in Tokyo Japan. He is a former JKA World and All Japan champion.
Sensei Ohta 6th Dan JKA: Sensei Ohta is a graduate of Takushoku University and is Chief instructor of JKA England
Sensei Wood MBE 6th Dan JKA: Sensei Wood is a Scottish instructor now resident in Australia with JKAWF Western Australia
Over the three days training the classes were broken into three groups Black Belts, Brown Belts and Colour Belts. Each day’s three hours training was split into two sessions of 1-1/2 hours. Each instructor rotated around the groups after each session resulting in each group being instructed twice over the course from each instructor. The following is a brief overview of what was covered over the weekend.
Friday sessions:
Friday started with the opening formalities and introduction of the instructors and was then followed by the start of the training sessions.
Colour Belts were instructed first session by Sensei Shiina and second session by Sensei Wood with both instructors covering various aspects of colour belt level Kihon, Kumite and Kata.

Brown Belts were instructed first by Sensei Ohta and second session by Sensei Shiina with both instructors concentrating on Kihon and Kumite for Brown Belt level.
Black Belts were instructed first by Sensei Wood who concentrated on Katas Empi and Jion with specific points of common errors being highlighted and explained in detail. The second session was taken by Sensei Ohta who started off with some basic kihon exercises which was a lead into the practice of Kata Nijushiho and application.

Saturday sessions:
Colour Belts were instructed first by Sensei Ohta and second session by Sensei Shiina

Brown Belts were instructed first by Sensei Wood who used this lesson to work on Kata Jion and the second session was taken by Sensei Ohta who worked on kihon and Kata Heian Sandan and Enpi.

Black Belts were instructed first by Sensei Shiina who started off with some quite amazing kumite drills with multiple partners with one drill using the entire width of the hall. The drills varied in attack distance from very short to medium and long range attacks with Sensei Shiina joining in on some of the drills. He then moved onto Kata training with Sochin.
The second session was taken by Sensei Wood who started with Kata Chinte breaking the Kata down in sections and then finished with some kumite training concentrating on different timing drills for counter attacks.

Sunday sessions:
Colour Belts were instructed first by Sensei Wood and second session by Sensei Ohta

Brown Belts were instructed first by Sensei Shiina who concentrated on Dan test training highlighting key points he then moved onto Bassai Dai including demonstration and practice of application. The second session was taken by Sensei Wood who continued Dan test training.

Black Belts were instructed first by Sensei Ohta who started with Kihon and Kumite exercises and then concentrated on Kata Gojushiho-Sho and application.

The second session was taken by Sensei Shiina who as the previous day started off with a number of special kumite drills with single and multiple partners he then moved onto Kata Jitte with in depth demonstrations of the Kata and applications.

All the sessions were conducted in a great atmosphere where the emphasis was on learning with each instructor taking time to ensure that everyone understood what was being explained and demonstrated with time taken during each session for questions to be asked. A lot was covered over the three days by the instructors with a good variety and various changes of pace between sessions to keep things fresh making the sessions very enjoyable as well as informative.
The level of instruction received over the three days and the fantastic facilities and enthusiasm and effort shown by all who attended made for a great course. With the attendance up again from last year and the feedback received following the course it can certainly be considered a very successful course. We would like to thank all three instructors for their efforts over the three days.

JKA Dan Grading
Following the conclusion of the training on Sunday a JKA Dan grading was held up to 4th Dan with the grading panel consisting of all three instructors.
The following students from JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) passed Dan Grade and will receive their JKA certificate from JKA Honbu dojo Tokyo Japan.
Pass 1st Dan JKA (Shodan):
Benjamin Osborne, KEL Musselburgh
Andrew Edwards, KEL Musselburgh
Blair Currie, KEL Musselburgh
Alex Neil, Scone
Marianne Livingstone, KEL Musselburgh
Joan Lunn, KEL North Berwick
Leona Murray, Oh Kami KC – Glasgow
Richard Conway, Daisho SKC – Aberdeen
Andrew Waugh, Oh Kami KC – Glasgow
Pass 2nd Dan JKA (Nidan):
Christopher Karpacz, KEL Musselburgh
Stephen Fraser, KEL Musselburgh
June Reid, Oh Kami KC – Glasgow
Pass 3rd Dan JKA (Sandan):
David Osborne, KEL Musselburgh
Andrew Hamilton, Orkney
Kenneth Roy, Orkney
JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) would also like to congratulate all students from JKAWFS who passed Dan grade on the course.
The JKA Scotland October 2009 Gasshuku was organised and held jointly by JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) and JKAWFS who work together to promote JKA Karate in Scotland.
Special Kata Course Saturday 19th September 2009

JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) held a special Brown and Black Belt Kata course with Sensei Ohta 6th Dan JKA on Saturday 19th September at Stonyhill Community Centre Musselburgh. Over the course Katas Jion, Nijushiho and Sochin were covered. Each Kata was broken down into sections and practiced along with specific Kihon related exercises. Application of key sequences and movements were also practiced to further develop a full understanding of each Kata. Following a final demonstration by Sensei Ohta to the class of each Kata he then took time to answer any questions on specific points.

The object of the course was to help those that attended further develop their Kata practice and knowledge and then build on what they had learned back at their own dojos. Feedback received from the special Kata courses held this year show that they are very popular and enjoyed by all. More courses such as these are planned for the future.

Special Kata Course Class Musselburgh 19th September 2009
Training Course for Senior Dan Grades and Instructors Sunday 20th September 2009
Following the previous days Kata course a special training course was held in Musselburgh with Sensei Ohta for senior Dan Grades and instructors. It was an ideal opportunity for our senior grades to get together and train in a group.

KDS Instructors Gerry McDougall and John Deans practice during Sunday’s course.
JKA England Course August 2009 Guildford London

Members from JKA Karate Do Shotokan
(Scotland) travelled to Guildford London to attend the JKA England
August 2009 summer course. The 3 day course was held from Friday 28th to
Sunday 30th August at the Spectrum Leisure Centre in Guildford with a
JKA Dan grading on the Sunday following training. The course instructors
for the 3 days were:
Sensei Ueki 8th Dan JKA Honbu dojo Tokyo.
Sensei Taniyama 6th Dan JKA Honbu dojo Tokyo.
Sensei Ohta 6th Dan JKA England.
Sensei Taniyama (five times JKA Kumite champion) was making his first visit to the course and as usual the level of instruction from all three instructors was of an exceptionally high standard with the three hour sessions broken down into one hour sessions with each instructor. Each day’s instruction included in depth Kihon, Kumite and Kata training over the three hours.
As well as taking advantage of the instruction and training it was also a great opportunity to catch up once more with our friends from JKA England, JKA Norway and all the other countries that attended.
JKA Scotland Course October 2009 Friday 23rd – Sunday 25th October

We are pleased to announce that Sensei Shiina 7th Dan JKA former JKA World and All Japan Champion will be the guest instructor from JKA Honbu Dojo Tokyo for this years JKA Scotland October Course.
The full line up of instructors for the JKA Scotland October 2009 course are:
Sensei Shiina 7th Dan JKA
Sensei Ohta 6th Dan JKA
Sensei Wood 6th Dan JKA
There will also be a JKA Dan grading held on Sunday 25th October up to and including 4th Dan.
The venue is a brand new £27 million indoor sports complex called ‘The Peek at Stirling Sports Village’ with hotel accommodation and facilities a 5-10 minute walk away.
Full training schedule, accommodation information and booking procedures can be found on the attached booking form which can be down loaded below.
Download Application Form here
Sensei Ohta June 2009 Regional Courses.
JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) recently held their summer regional courses. The courses were held over two weekends on 13th June in Glasgow, 14th June in Saltcoats, 26th June in Aberdeen and 27th June in Musselburgh. Sensei Ohta 6th Dan JKA Chief Instructor of JKA England instructed at each of the 4 regional courses. As usual the courses were enjoyed by all that attended.
Following each course a Kyu grading was held. Congratulations to all students who passed a Kyu grading on one of the courses. Regional courses will be held next in November.
Special Course Sensei Tanaka 8th Dan JKA
Thursday 21st – Sunday 24th May 2009
Dunfermline – Scotland

JKA Honbu Dojo instructor Sensei Tanaka 8th Dan JKA travelled to Scotland from Tokyo Japan to instruct on a special training course held over 4 days. It has been over 20 years since Sensei Tanaka has last been in Scotland and since these dates were first announced many students have been looking forward to the opportunity to train with such a world renowned instructor. For many it was their first time training with Sensei Tanaka. The following is a brief summary and pictures from the 4 days.

The course started off on the Thursday with a special senior Dan grade and Instructor session. The main emphasis of the session was on correct Kihon not only in its practice but also specific check points for instructors teaching their students. This was an excellent opportunity for dojo instructors to further their knowledge on the basic Kihon points and their practice and instruction. The depth of instruction given by Sensei Tanaka during the class was quite exceptional with detailed demonstrations and explanations given.

The first session
saw the Kyu grades being instructed on the basic points for their Kihon
with Sensei Tanaka checking and correcting student s constantly
throughout the session to try and achieve correct form. The lesson then
moved onto Kihon combinations for Kyu grade level.

The second session saw the Black and Brown belts practicing kihon combinations with Sensei Tanaka explaining and demonstrating in great detail the effects and check points for various stances, upper body positions, and weight distribution when moving forwards or back. Time was also spent on Mae geri training with the emphasis on various distances to the target. The session then moved on to kumite practice with the emphasis on blocking and countering techniques to stop an attacking opponent. These were again demonstrated superbly by Sensei Tanaka showing the correct timing for each technique made.
The first session was again for Kyu grades and concentrated on Kata training with the Hean Katas being covered.
The second session saw the Black and
Brown belts concentrating on kumite training practicing various
attacking combinations with a partner. This included combinations
intended to make your opponent retreat so you could then follow with a
punching attack or ashi bari and punching attack. The session finished
of with Kata training with Sensei Tanaka demonstrating application for
key techniques.

This session
started with various Dan test kihon combinations being practiced. Sensei
Tanaka took time once more to demonstrate and explain clearly how these
combinations should be performed especially with regard to a Dan grade.
Common mistakes were also covered along with explanations on how these
can be rectified.

The session then moved on to Kata training
which also included Sensei Tanaka giving some last minute advice and
help to those that we going to attempt a Dan grading following the
Following the lesson a JKA Dan grading was held with the following JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) students passing:
Pass 1st Dan JKA (Shodan):
Sean Khaira
Ray Barry
Krzysztof Sirant
Bhopinder Purewal
John Richardson
Cormac Convery
John Ballantyne
Sam Morris
Declan Downie
Pass 2nd Dan JKA (Nidan):
Andrew Reid
Sue Struthers
Magnus Garson
David Hall
Pass 3rd Dan JKA (Sandan):
Lynn Lester
Congratulations to all who passed a Dan grade.
Medal Success at JKA European Junior and Cadet Championships Belgrade Serbia May 2009

Back Row left to right – Bert Stewart (Squad Manager), James Sinclair, Drew Caffrey and Robert Morrison
Front Row left to right – Chris Karpacz , Alicia Steele and Murdo Lunn
JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) squad members came away with silver and two bronze medals while representing JKA Scotland at the JKA European Junior and cadet Championships which were held in Belgrade Serbia over Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th May. This was quite an achievement considering there were over 500 competitors from 17 countries throughout Europe participating at the event.

Medal winners Chris Karpacz and Alicia Steele
Christopher Karpacz and Alicia Steele gave outstanding performances at the Championships. Alicia Steele won a silver medal in her Kumite section, narrowly missing out on a gold medal and took a bronze medal in the Kata event. Christopher Karpacz won a bronze medal in his Kumite section.
Other members of the squad, Murdo Lunn (North Berwick dojo), Drew Caffrey (Perth Dojo), James Sinclair and Robert Morrison (Shibumi Dojo) all competed well with some progressing to further rounds.
Congratulation to all squad members for their efforts over the event.
JKA European Junior and Cadet Championships
Serbia May 2009

JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) will be sending representatives as part of the JKA Scotland team to the JKA European Junior and cadet Championships which are to be held in Belgrade Serbia over Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th May.
The following are travelling to the event:
Squad Manager and Coach
Bert Stewart
Chris Karpacz
Murdo Lunn
Alicia Steele
Robert Morrison
Drew Caffrey
James Sinclair
All competitors are currently training hard for the event and we wish them luck in the Championships.
JKA England Course
Guildford London May 2009
JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) members travelled to Guildford London to attend the JKA England 4 day course which was held over Friday 1st May to Monday 4th May. The list of course instructors was as usual very impressive and consisted of the following:
Sensei Osaka 8th Dan JKA
Sensei Sawada 7th Dan JKA
Sensei Ogura 7th Dan JKA
Sensei Ohta 6th Dan JKA
The course was well attended with over a dozen countries being represented which made for a truly international feel to the course. Over the 4 days many aspects of Kihon, Kata and Kumite were covered with the technical content being of a very high standard as you would expect.
On the Saturday afternoon following training an International Friendly Match was held and on Sunday following training a JKA Dan Grading was held.
On conclusion of the course many have already started planning a return trip in August for the next one.
Special Announcement May 2009
Sensei Tanaka 8th Dan JKA to visit Scotland

World Famous Instructor Sensei Tanaka 8th Dan JKA of JKA
Honbu Dojo Tokyo is to visit Scotland in May and will be teaching over a
4 day period from 21st to 24th of May 2009. This will be an excellent
opportunity to train with a true karate master. Various level classes
will be held which will include special instructor classes. There will
also be a JKA Dan Grading on Sunday 24th. Classes will be held in
Dunfermline Scotland more information to follow.
Download Registration Form
JKA European Championships April 2009
Maastricht Netherlands

JKA Scotland Squad
Following a lot of hard training and preparation the JKA Scotland squad and officials travelled to Maastricht in the Netherlands over 3rd to 5th April to attend the JKA European Championships. 24 European countries were present all sending squads to represent them at this prestigious event making for a high standard of competition.
The hard work and preparation put in by all in the JKA Scotland squad paid off with a good display from all competitors with many progressing through the draw. Andrew Hamilton was on great form in the Men’s Kata and progressed through to the finals and received a 4th place medal for his efforts.

Andrew Hamilton (far right) receives 4th place medal Men’s Kata

JKA Scotland Men’s Team Kata
Well done to the JKA Scotland competitors, coaches and officials for the commitment and hard work they have put in and to Andrew Hamilton for making it through to the medal stages in such a prestigious tournament.
JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland)
Association Championships 28th March 2009

JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) association championships were held on Saturday 28th March 2009 at Queen Anne High School Dunfermline. Senior and junior competitors from all around Scotland travelled to the event to take part in the various Kumite and Kata events that were being held over the day.
The Championships started on time at 10-00am with events being run simultaneously until 6-00pm. There were a wide range of age groups and grades taking part with all competitors not only competing to the best of their ability but also conducting themselves impeccably showing correct etiquette and respect towards their opponents win, loose or draw. This is something that is very important in JKA Karate and all competitors were a credit to our association.
There were a number of great matches during the day from both our junior and senior competitors including a number between our international competitors. The day concluded with a very exciting Men’s Senior Kumite final between David Bettley (Shibumi) and Andrew Hamilton (Orkney). Both men are current JKA Scotland competitors and gave the crowd an exciting final with David just edging out Andrew on this occasion to win the Men’s Senior Kumite event.
One special guest competitor was young Mia Doonan whose father Chris now runs the JKA Asahi dojo in Osaka Japan. Chris is originally from Hawick and was back in Scotland with his family on holiday. Mia went on to win the Children’s Kyu grade Kata category.
Thanks to all competitors who took part and to the referees and officials who gave up there time to make sure the day ran smoothly.
Below is a selection of photographs from the day and you can view the full results table by following this link.

Children’s Kyu Grade Kata competitors

Ladies Senior Kumite Final

Men’s Kumite Eliminations

Men’s Kumite Eliminations

Children’s Kumite Final

Children’s Kyu Grade Kata

Junior Team Kata

Children’s Kumite Final

Men’s Senior Kata

Men’s Senior Kata

Men’s Senior Kumite Final

Men’s Senior Kumite Final
JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland)
Association Championships 28th March 2009
Final Results Table
Children’s Kata under 10 yrs Boys and Girls up to 4th kyu
1st Mai Doonan (Asahi Osaka Japan)
2nd Ross Lunn (Musselburgh
3rd Equal Aria Pascual (Shibumi) & Calvin Bruce (Shibumi)
Children’s Kata 10-12yrs Boys and Girls 3rd kyu and above.
1st Alicia Steele (Musselburgh)
2nd Declan Downie
3rd Equal John Ballantyne (Shibumi) & William McGowan
Junior Kata 13-15yrs Boys and Girls up to 4th kyu
1st Gareth Grant
2nd Sandy Carmichael
3rd Equal Shawnie O’Donnell & Casey McCracken (Shibum
Junior Kata 13-15yrs Boys and Girls 3rd kyu and up
1st Chris Carpach (Musselburgh)
2nd Robert Morrison (Shibumi)
3rd Equal Drew Caffery (Perth) & David Neill
Female Kata 16 years and over 3rd kyu and above
1st Angela Strachan (Shibumi)
2nd Sue Struthers (Orkney)
Male Kata 16 years and over beginner to 4th Kyu
1st Callum McDonald
2nd Steven McIntosh
3rd Equal Arthur Bruce (Shibumi) & John Benn (West Kilbride)
Men’s Kata 16 years and over 3rd kyu and above
1st David Bettley (Shibumi)
2nd Andrew Hamilton (Orkney)
3rd Equal Magnus Garson (Musselburgh) & Andrew Reid (Oh Kami)
Junior Team Kata under 16 years
1st Musselburgh
2nd Perth
3rd Shibumi
Senior Team Kata 16 years and over
1st Shibumi A
2nd Musselburgh
3rd Shibumi B 3rd JKA Orkney
Children’s kumite up to 12 years beginner to 7th kyu
1st Simon Carmichael
2nd Tony Beck
3rd Equal Josh Thomson & Finn Ritchie
Children’s kumite under 10 years 6th to 4th kyu
1st Ross Lunn (Musselburgh)
2nd Chantelle Wallace (Shibumi)
3rd Equal Maim Berets & Aria Pascual (Shibumi)
Children’s kumite under 10 years 3rd kyu and above
1st Alicia Steele (Musselburgh)
2nd Hamish Thomson (Musselburgh)
3rd Equal Daisy Haining (Musselburgh) & Thomas James (Aberdeen)
Children’s kumite 10-12 years 6th to 4th kyu
1st Gareth Grant
2nd David Ryles
3rd Equal Casey McCracken (Shibumi) & Daniel Murphy (West Kilbride)
Children’s kumite 10-12 years 3rd kyu and above
1st Max Challoner
2nd Alex Neill
3rd Equal Lynsay Milne Thomson (Aberdeen) & Peter O’Donnell
Junior kumite boys 13 to 15 years 3rd kyu and above
1st Drew Caffery (Perth)
2nd David Neill
3rd Equal Sam Morris (Perth)& Kyle Caffery (Perth)
Men’s kumite 16 years and above up to 3rd kyu
1st Lewis Edwards (Aberdeen)
2nd Calum McDonald
3rd Equal Author Bruce (Shibumi) & Stephen MacIntosh
Junior Team Kumite
1st Perth
2nd Musselbrugh
3rd Shibumi
Ladies kumite 3rd kyu and above
1st Sam McIntosh (Musselbourgh/Dalgety Bay)
2nd Inga Antonia (Orkney)
3rd Equal Sarah MacDougall (Shibumi) & Jade Hunter (Musselburgh)
Senior Men’s Kumite 3rd kyu and above
1st David Bettley (Shibumi)
2nd Andrew Hamilton (Orkney)
3rd Equal Jamie Stewart (Musselburgh) & Andrew Reid (ORK)
Special Awards
Best Senior Competitor award: David Bettley (Shibumi)
Best Junior Competitor award: Alicia Steele (Musselburgh)
JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) Association Championships
28th March 2009

The JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) association championships will be held on Saturday 28th March 2009 at Queen Anne High School Dunfermline. See the attached application forms for more details and how to enter
Download Entry Form Download Events List
Special Training Course Kirkwall Orkney
Sensei Ohta 6th Dan JKA February 2009

The Kirkwall Orkney Dojo held a special training course with Sensei Ohta 6th Dan JKA on Thursday 26th February 2009. The above photo shows Sensei Ohta demonstrating Kata Chinte during the course
Two separate sessions were held over the evening. The first session was designed to accommodate all grades. In this class Sensei Ohta emphasised the use of correct basic technique, compression and expansion of the body, and the correct application of power through use of the stomach, hips, and lower body. These themes were developed throughout the session and applied during practice of kihon, kumite and kata.
The second session involved all students over 4th kyu. This class concentrated on kata, ranging from intermediate to advanced kata. By the end of the three hours’ training all the senior students were exhausted but elated at having trained with someone of Sensei Ohta’s reputation, and witnessed first hand the speed, fluidity, and focus of his technique. The highlight of the class was Sensei Ohta’s kata demonstration which left all students amazed at the precision and accuracy of his technique – certainly something to aspire to.

All instructors at JKA Orkney would like to thank Sensei Ohta for making the trip to Orkney and to all students for their continued commitment and support.
JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) Regional Courses
As well as travelling to our Kirkwall Orkney
Dojo in February Sensei Ohta also managed to fit into his busy schedule
visits to instruct on our regional courses which were held over two
weekends in February and March on the following dates.
Saturday 28th February West Regional Course Port Glasgow
Sunday 1st March South Regional Course Saltcoats
Friday 6th March North Regional Course Aberdeen
Saturday 7th March East Regional Course Perth
Kyu gradings were also held following each of the above courses.
Kirkwall Orkney Course and Kyu Grading
On 13th and 14th March the Kirkwall Dojo held a course and grading with KDS Instructor Alan Simpson 5th Dan JKA. Training sessions were held on Friday 13th and Saturday 14th March with a Kyu grading being held Saturday afternoon following the morning training session.

Congratulation to all students who passed a Kyu grading an all of the above courses.
JKA Scotland Squad for JKA European Championships Maastricht Netherlands
The JKA Scotland Squad has been selected for the JKA European Championships which are being held this year in Maastricht Netherlands over 3rd to 5th April 2009
The following JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) members were selected for the squad:
David Bettley
Martin Sommerville
Andrew Hamilton
Magnus Garson
Jamie Stewart
Andrew Reid
James Sinclair
James Campbell
As well as the above competitors John Deans (joint JKA Scotland Team Coach) and Bert Stewart (KDS Squad Manager) will be travelling officials with the squad
Congratulations to all squad members who were selected to travel to this event and represent Scotland. The final joint squad training session prior to the championships is to be held on 22nd March. See squad page for more details
Special JKA Scottish Squad Training Session
Sunday 25th January 2009 Dunfermline

As part of the preparations for the JKA Scotland team selection for the JKA European Championships to be held in Maastricht Netherlands in April and the JKA World Championships to be held in Tokyo Japan in September special JKA Squad training sessions are being held. These are open to JKA competitors and students in Scotland wishing to be considered for possible future team selection. The sessions are also intended to benefit and are open to those students wishing to work on there own individual training for competition or grading.

The first session for 2009 was held at Dunfermline Police Station on Sunday 25th January with JKA students from all over Scotland coming together to take part. Association squad coaches John Hazel (JKAWFS) and John Deans (JKA Karate-Do Shotokan) both experienced former international competitors oversaw the training session with both Kumite and Kata being covered. The students taking part which also included a number of experienced international competitors got the opportunity to train in an environment with a competitive edge while at the same time helping to push and encourage one another during the training.
The next session is planned for Sunday 22nd February at the same venue.
Special Kata Course Saturday 17th January 2009

JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) held a special Brown and Black Belt Kata course with Sensei Ohta 6th Dan JKA on Saturday 17th January at Stonyhill Community Centre Musselburgh. Over the session which lasted 3-1/2 hours Katas Hangetsu, Bassai-sho and Meikyo were covered. Prior to each Kata being practiced short Kihon exercises were covered which related specifically to helping with the Kata to be practiced. Following the completion of each Kata practice session Sensei Ohta then gave the class the opportunity to ask any specific questions they may have and then finally demonstrated the Kata to the class. Everyone that attended the course showed a willingness to learn and progress and was encouraged to use this training as a spring board to setting their own personal goals and targets for 2009 training. This was our first event for 2009 and everyone is looking forward to the coming year.