Report JKA Scotland 2010 Course
Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th October

Over the weekend of Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th October JKA students from all over Scotland came together for the annual JKA Scotland October Gasshuku. This year’s course was of special significance as it was the first time three JKA Honbu Dojo instructors had travelled from Tokyo Japan to teach exclusively in Scotland at the annual JKA Scotland October course. As with previous years courses it was an impressive line up of instructors.
The instructors for this year’s course were the following:
Kurasako Sensei 7th Dan JKA
Takahashi Sensei 6th Dan JKA
Okuie Sensei 3rd Dan JKA (Former Woman’s JKA All Japan and World Kumite Champion)

Sensei Kurasako 7th Dan JKA

Sensei Takahashi 6th Dan JKA

Sensei Okuie 3rd Dan JKA
Over the three days training the classes were broken into three groups Black Belts, Brown Belts and Colour Belts. Each day’s three hours training was split into two sessions of 1-1/2 hours. Each instructor rotated around the groups after each session resulting in each group being instructed twice over the course from each instructor.
The following is a brief overview of what was covered over the weekend along with a selection of photographs.
Kihon Training: Over the three days the instructor’s sessions worked on the following points during Kihon training. Correct use of hips, smooth and correct footpath, weight distribution and balance, upper body posture and use of supporting leg.

Kata Training:As well as the Heian Katas Bassai Dia, Kanku Dai, Jion, Enpi, Nijushiho and Gankaku were covered.

Kumite Training:The Black Belt sessions spent quite a lot of time on Kumite exercises. These included various Gohon Kumite drills with multiple punches and blocks, body shifting exercises, multiple attacks and blocking drills.

All classes over the three days were conducted in a great atmosphere with all three instructors giving excellent instruction and feedback to those that were training. There was a great continuity of instruction between the classes and instructors which helped students develop over the three days.
Following conclusion of the training on Sunday there was a short presentation to the Instructors thanking them for their exception instruction over the three days which seemed to pass all too quickly.
With the feedback received following the course it can certainly be considered a very successful course. We would like to thank all three instructors for their efforts over the three days.
JKA Dan Grading
Following the conclusion of the training on Sunday a JKA Dan grading was held.
The following students from JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) passed Dan Grade and will receive their JKA certificate from JKA Honbu dojo Tokyo Japan.
Pass 1st Dan JKA (Shodan):
Calvin Bruce – Saltcoats
Jim Strain – Satcoats
John Humphrey – Saltcoats
Aria Pascual – Satcoats
Amy Kean – Saltcoats
Andrew MacDonald – Orkney
Yan Shearer – Orkney
Robin Grant – North Berwick
Ross Lunn – North Berwick
Jessie Morham – Musselburgh
Kayley Easton – Musselburgh
Malissa Thomson – Helensburgh
Dave Murphy – Glasgow
Max Challoner – Glasgow
Peter O’Donnell – Glasgow
Michael O’Brien – Glasgow
Jake Beveridge – East Lothian
Lynsey Milne-Thomson – Aberdeen
Pass 2nd Dan JKA (Nidan):
Murdo Lunn – North Berwick
Stephen Vernon – Helensburgh
JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) would also like to congratulate all students from JKAWFS who passed Dan grade on the course.
The JKA Scotland October 2010 Gasshuku was organised and held jointly by JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) and JKAWFS who work together to promote JKA Karate in Scotland.
KDS East Region Championships
Musselburgh Saturday 2nd October 2010
The KDS East Region held their annual championships on Saturday 2nd October 2010. The event ran smoothly and was a great success. All competitors entered in the true spirit of Karate Do with excellent etiquette shown throughout all 12 events held on the day. This year’s outstanding competitor award went to Alicia Steele 1st Dan JKA.
Thanks to all competitors that entered and to all the Judges, Referees and Timekeepers etc. who supported the event. Thanks also to Brian May who organised the Event Programmes for the day.
This year’s entry money was donated to Help For Heroes.
Click here for full list of events and results:
JKA England Course August 2010 Guildford London

KDS Scotland members pictured with the August 2010 course instructors
Members from JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) travelled to Guildford London to attend the JKA England August 2010 course which was held over Friday 27th to Sunday 29th August. The course instructors were:
Sensei Ueki 8th Dan Chief Instructor JKA.
Sensei Kawawada 7th Dan JKA Honbu Dojo Tokyo.
Sensei Imamura 7th Dan JKA Honbu Dojo Tokyo.
Sensei Ohta 7th Dan JKA England Chief Instructor
The instruction over the course, as would be expected with such a line up of instructors, had the emphasis on high technical content broken down into fundamentals and then practiced and built on. Various aspects of Kata, Kihon and Kumite were covered by each instructor over each session.

Above Alan Simpson 5th Dan and John Deans 5th Dan
of KDS Scotland Kumite Training on the course as Sensei Ueki watches.
Following the course a JKA Dan grading was held on the Sunday afternoon where KDS instructors Bert Stewart and John Deans passed 5th Dan examination. Paola Burrows also passed 3rd Dan and Drew Caffrey passed 2nd Dan.
Congratulation to all:
Bert Stewart 5th Dan JKA
John Deans 5th Dan JKA
Paola Burrows 3rd Dan JKA
Drew Caffrey 2nd Dan JKA
JKA Scotland Medal Success JKA Junior European Championships Prague, Czech Republic 22nd – 23rd May 2010

Alicia Steele JKA Scotland
JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) junior squad members travelled to Prague in the Czech Republic as part of the JKA Scotland Squad to take part in the JKA Junior European championships which were held over the weekend on May 22nd and 23rd. As previous years there was a large turn out of competitors from various countries around Europe participating making this a very important event on the JKA calendar. All the squad members competed well throughout the tournament with quite a few progressing to the final stages of their events.

JKA Scotland Junior Squad
Below are the JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) junior members who participated in the event.
Alicia Steele 1st Dan JKA
Blair Currie 1st Dan JKA
Murdo Lunn 1st Dan JKA
Drew Caffrey 1st Dan JKA
Sam Morris 1st Dan JKA
Jamie MacDonald 1st Dan JKA
Robert Morrison 1st Dan JKA
Thanks also to Bert Stewart squad manager who organised
the trip and travelled with the Squad along with a number of squad
family members and friends.
JKA England Course May 2010 Guildford London

KDS members pictured with the May 2010 course instructors
Members from JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland)
travelled to Guildford London to attend the JKA England May 2010 course.
The 4 day course was held from Friday 30thth April to Monday 3rd May at
the Spectrum Leisure Centre in Guildford with a JKA Dan grading on the
Sunday following training. The course instructors for the 4 days were:
Sensei Mori 8th Dan JKA New York.
Sensei Osaka 8th Dan JKA Honbu Dojo Tokyo.
Sensei Ohta 7th Dan JKA England.
Sensei Naka 6th Dan JKA Honbu dojo Tokyo.
As well as taking advantage of the instruction and
training it was also a great opportunity to catch up once more with our
friends from JKA England, JKA Norway and the other countries that
Kirkwall Orkney Dojo Course and Kyu Grading Saturday 20th to Sunday 21st March 2010
Our Kirkwall Orkney dojo held a weekend course and Kyu grading over Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st March with KDS instructor Alan Simpson 5th Dan JKA. The Orkney Dojo is our association’s most northerly Dojo with many of the students and instructors regularly travelling to the mainland to attend and support our events. This was an opportunity for them to attend a KDS event organised by their instructors on their own doorstep.

Various training classes were held over the weekend split according to grade with a number of senior grades attending all classes. Included in the training were a number of Kihon and Kumite drills which concentrated on kicking and reaction training. Katas covered over the weekend included the five Heian, Tekki Shodan, Tekki Nidan, Bassai-dai and Jion.

Following the training on Sunday a Kyu grading was held with 48 Kirkwall dojo students attempting a kyu grade. As always the weekend was well attended with students training hard over the two days and showing great enthusiasm. Congratulation to all students who passed a Kyu grade at the weekend.
Additional events are planned to be held at out Kirkwall Orkney dojo in 2010.
JKA European Championships March 2010 Bochum, Germany

The JKA Scotland squad travelled to Bochum, Germany for the 2010 JKA European Championships which were held on Saturday 27th March 2010. There was a large turn out of competitor squads and officials from across Europe participating with a high standard on display throughout the day.

Although there were no medals this year the JKA Scotland squad performed well with a few progressing to the later rounds in the various events. The JKA Scotland male Kumite team came up against a very strong JKA Italy team and were unfortunately eliminated with the JKA Italy team going on to become eventual winners. A few of the new squad members also gained some valuable experience for the future from the Championships.
Also attending as part of the JKA Scotland Squad were Squad Coaches John Hazel and John Deans along with Squad Manager and Referee Bert Stewart. The JKA Scotland squad is now planning for the JKA Junior European Championships to be held in Prague in May.
JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland)Association Championships 21st February 2010

JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) association championships were held on Sunday 21st February at the Queen Anne High School Dunfermline. Senior and junior competitors from all around Scotland travelled to the event to take part in the various Kumite and Kata events that were being held over the day. Despite the recent bad weather there was still a great turn out of competitors and spectators with an increase in entry from last year.

With a long day ahead the Championships started
just after 9-30 am with a short opening ceremony. The various events
were run simultaneously throughout the day starting with Kata then
Kumite events with each event being run until the finalist stage. Once
all event eliminations were completed the finals were then run.
During the day great competitive spirit was shown by both
the junior and senior competitors along with correct etiquette and
respect toward their opponents which made for a number of great matches.
As last year one of the highlights was the Senior Men’s
Kumite final which was between David Bettley last years winner and
Andrew Hamilton last years runner up. Both men are international
competitors and after an exiting final the result was reversed this year
with Andrew taking 1st place and David the runner up spot.
Following completion of the finals and the medals
presentation there was a short closing ceremony and the Championships
were over for another year.
Thanks to all competitors who took part and to the
referees and officials who gave up their time to make sure the day ran
Below is a selection of photographs from the day and a link to the full results table.

Children’s Kata

Ladies Kata Inga Antonio

Men’s Team Kata

Junior Kumite

Men’s Kumite

Children’s Kata

Men’s Kumite

Men’s Kumite

Junior Kata

Men’s Kumite

Junior Team Kata

Men’s Kumite

Men’s Kumite

Junior Kumite

Men’s Kumite

Junior Team Kata

Senior Men’s Kata Andrew Hamilton

Senior Men’s Kata

Senior Men’s Kata David Bettley

Ladies Senior Kumite Final Angela Strachan v Inga Antonio

Men’s Senior Kumite Final Andrew Hamilton v David Bettley

Men’s Senior Kumite Final Andrew Hamilton v David Bettley
For a full table of results please click this link
JKA Scotland Squad for JKA European Championships 2010
Bochum Germany
The JKA Scotland Squad has been selected for the JKA European Championships which are being held this year in Bochum Germany on 27th March 2010. The squad was announced following last months joint JKA Scotland Squad training session.
The following JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) members were selected for the squad:
Andrew Hamilton
Magnus Garson
Andrew Reid
James Sinclair
James Campbell
Drew Caffery
As well as the above competitors John Deans (joint JKA Scotland Team Coach) and Bert Stewart (Squad Manager) will be travelling officials with the squad.
Congratulations to all JKA Scotland squad members who were selected to travel to this event and represent Scotland. The final joint squad training session prior to the championships is to be held on Sunday 14th March. See squad page for more details.
JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) Championships
Sunday 21st February 2010

The JKA Karate Do Shotokan (Scotland) 2010 championships will be held this year in Dunfermline on Sunday 21st February. Last years championships were a great success and we look forward to another successful championship this year.
Entry form and Events list can be downloaded below.